Relax, we've got this.
Find the supply chain cloud confusing?
We've figured out how to make this stuff work. Our technology navigates through the cracks of ERP systems, Enterprise BI and manual files to solve real problems in simple & cost-effective ways.
Plug us in, we'll do the rest
We leverage off what's already available, without placing demands on your business to solve the right problems using the best combination of people and technology.
Our technology allows you to keep using yours
'Cloud instances' allow us to get you up and running in days
(not months or years)
In the real world things happen fast
(Sometimes it doesn't make sense to log tickets)
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning...
(What is the fuss all about ?)
A cloud instance allows us to isolate just the data required to solve the problem. We can do this quickly and supercharge your datasets with all the latest data science building blocks such as advanced analytics, machine learning for forecasting and algorithm assisted decision making.
Its hyped, its over-done, but its real. Companies that tap into these technology enablers progress their visual analytics to real value far quicker. Redwood cloud instances come A.I ready in days.
By focusing on the problem (not the enterprise) we can solve your data challenge in a way that is not constrained by your business and its IT maturity. Companies use us to solve what they cant or to bridge gaps between todays need and tomorrow's promise.

Top companies trust us to go where they cant